Design & Décor, Living with Style, The Newport Diary

Bedecked and Bedazzled: Christmas at The Breakers

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What is more joy-filled than a fifteen foot Christmas tree of live, brilliant red poinsettias?! Newport’s own legendary creation takes pride-of-place in the Great Hall of The Breaker’s, obviously deserving of the featured position on this post. The Preservation Society of Newport County, celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary, is the steward of this treasured American house museum, as well as eleven other properties.

It has become an annual tradition for Private Newport to feature one of the Society’s houses on a December post. From bauble-bedecked Christmas trees…

Photo Credit: Vibrant Optics for Private Newport

to massive draped mantels, Christmas at The Breakers is all about making a statement!

to include charming decorations in the many bedrooms (like the children’s)…

Photo Credit: Vibrant Optics for Private Newport

Fa La La La La…all is a feast for the eyes…and provides inspiration galore.

Photo Credit: Vibrant Optics for Private Newport

New this year at The Breakers–this great mansion, and its landscape, becomes an outdoor magical wonderland at night, with its grounds and paths awash in thousands of festive lights.

Join me (below) as I give a tour of The Breakers to Editor-in-Chief of Veranda Magazine, Steele Marcoux!

Featured image credit, Vibrant Optics for Private Newport

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About Bettie Bearden Pardee

Author of Private Newport and Living Newport, garden furniture designer (The Parterre Bench), national lecturer, and entertaining expert. An honoree for the second year on "The Salonniere 100 America's Best Party Hosts", she was also the host and creative producer of "The Presidential Palate: Entertaining at the White House".

11 thoughts on “Bedecked and Bedazzled: Christmas at The Breakers

    1. Yes, Linda, I think exuberance sums up The Breakers very well! Hope you have a joyfilled Christmas…xB

  1. These are all FESTIVE and BRILLIANT!!! I especially loved the Reindeer all bedecked and coming OUT OF THE FIREPLACE!!! Thank you so much. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

    1. That deer is one of my favorites, too! Thank you for your kind comments…may you have a Merry and heartwarming holiday. xB

    1. That’s what this blog is about…sharing with those who can’t be here! Merry, Merry xB

  2. Stunning. Thank you for taking the time to share the beauty of the holiday.

    May all have a healthy Christmas and better 2021! EE

  3. After just finding your blog, I have throughly enjoyed the Christmas pictures remembering my love of Newport. Having married a native Newporter found me totally in love with this City by the sea. It’s where I found love and happiness.

    Added NB: I married Don King and we even stayed with you once in Atlanta. Give Jonathon our best and Happy Holidays to you both. We now live in Kansas where Don served as Mayor of Waterville and City Council. Love your pic of cats as I do cat rescue here in Kansas. Our 2 daughters, Vicki and Susan have remained in Kansas and we are very lucky having them close by. Happy New Year to you both
    Don and Sharon King

    1. Oh Sharon, what a treat! Yes, I remember you both well….but it’s been so long. Glad to hear that you and Donny are happily ensconced in the Midwest.
      Wishing you both a joy-filled Christmas and happy memories. I’ve passed your note along to Jonathan…xBettie

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