Friday, November 13, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Open to PublicBettie Bearden Pardee will present her lecture, “Gilded Age Newport: The Real Inspiration for Downton Abbey” and will be on hand for a book signing of her latest coffee table book, Living Newport: Houses, People, Style, on Friday, November 13th at 2:00PM at the 63rd annual Theta Charity Antiques Show. The theme this year is ‘London’s Calling,’ and proceeds benefit nonprofit organizations in Houston, including Bayou Bend/Museum of Fine Arts Houston; Texas Children’s Hospital Cancer Center and Child Advocates.
For more information, please visit the 63rd Annual Theta Charity Antiques Show website.
Founded in 1952 by Kappa Alpha Theta Houston Alumnae, the Theta Charity Antiques Show is considered by many aficionados to be one of the top three antiques shows in the United States for size and quality—and it’s all for the benefit of Houstonians. The show has not only provided a unique, world-class cultural experience for the city of Houston but also raised more than $6.5 million since its inception to support Houston’s nonprofits in education, the arts, health care and community assistance. Over the years, the Antiques Show has benefited 90 organizations.
Bayou City Events Center
9401 Knight Road
Houston, Texas 77045