The beautiful pristine white quality of these ‘Limelight’ hydrangeas at this time in the fall is a phenomenon! Just the softest blush of pink is starting to appear when they would normally have been deep russet or brown. Whether it was due to all the rain or the extended warm weather, they well deserve their own post. And if anyone had told me I would be doing a piece on hydrangeas in November I never would have believed them.
I can’t stop taking pictures of them, starting way back in mid-September when their first color incarnation is the soft lime green that inspired their name.
And now here in late October with half the leaves off the trees in the late light of fall.
Look who came to visit…even the butterflies are surprised, and happy.
Here, these blowsy beauties have been cut and arranged in a tall iron urn, creating a mass that takes up half the table.
Just for you, a video of the ‘Limelights’ swaying and dancing on a windy day. Enjoy!
Parterre’s pruning notes for these favorites that help us control their height and otherwise somewhat unwieldy growth:
Hard cut-back in November, then a pruning in mid-April, another in mid-June and a third in mid-July (at which point they are also thinned). Then they are on their own until November again.

Dear Bettie,
I love Limelight hydreangeas. I have not seen them here in Sydney. Perhaps it is too hot.
Love your posts.
Thanks for the post. I have Limelight’s here in IL and they have been beautiful into November here as well. Loving them. Just cut several for a party this past weekend. We’re enjoying the fall brownish rust color they’re turning. Thanks, too, for the pruning tips.!
Happy fall.
My mother’s blue hydrangeas are still in full bloom as we speak, and we are in Hudson (upstate New York). The vegetation is all confused from the very warm fall we have had. Even my impatiens are still blooming, as are my geraniums, and they are usually long at this time of year.
Your hydrangeas are glorious!
Thanks so much for the pruning tips…will implement them shortly.
As always, your posts are a true delight!!
New to your blog. What a hidden treasure!
New to your blog. What a hidden treasure!