What a weekend!! Where to start? The Newport Flower Show is such a destination for all who wish to see and celebrate the bounty of summer gardens.

From “garden club ladies” who come early in the week to tour my garden, and always depart with a little something to take home as a reminder of this weekend…

to the plantsmen and vendors who grow and distribute plants (think Proven Winners ) to the esteemed Presenting Sponsor, Bartlett Tree.

The three days in this idyllic oceanside setting are a much-anticipated event on the summer calendar! And sometimes we have a spectacular sunset to add to the Friday Night Opening Party.

I was thrilled to have as my houseguest dear friend, Margot Shaw (founder and CEO of Flower Magazine), here to sign her luscious new book, Living Floral. The concept of entertaining and decorating with flowers is so lovingly presented!

Social media friends from afar slipped in and out over the weekend (between raindrops, but we won’t even talk about the weather), coming by for tea…and to see the Parterre Bench in person.
Speaking at the Friday luncheon on Style, with a capital “S,” India Hicks mesmerized her audience with insider tales of a life well lived; we then continued the conversation on my sun porch with fresh island strawberries.

Laura, @gardenanswer, the Instagram and YouTube influencer, came all the way from Oregon…we couldn’t stop talking!! So looking forward to another get together with this multi-talented garden lover.

So take notes and start making your plans to attend the 25th Newport Flower Show, June 19-21, 2020…”Voices in the Garden.” Why, it’s just around the corner…

WOW! What a fun and busy time you had during Newport Flower Show.
I am so glad Margot was able to stay with you and have a book signing in Newport.
We are all so proud of her and the book has been very well received.
India Hicks is a great speaker and I am sure everyone enjoyed her talk.
You looked so pretty in the pictures and I hope our paths cross again in the near future.
Loved our time together in Birmingham last fall…
allene parnell
Yes, I need to put the Newport Flower Show on my bucket list …
Yes, for sure, the Flower Show belongs on many lists. I think I remember campaigning last fall in Birmingham for the Mossflowers to make the trek to Newport.
We all need another get together!! xB
Bettie your adorable text reminded me of our flower show trip so long ago. I still WEAR some of the things I purchased at that flower show…of course it was so easy to buy “boocoodles” of goodies as all we had to do was take our bags and boxes, slip through the “key” of the side garden, go into your wonderful home, relieve ourselves of our purchases, then back to Rosecliffe for more!!!
Aaaah, the memories, dear Ruthie! And I must say, the shopping this year was every bit, if not more scrumptious. I was beside myself…xox
I’ve enjoyed your blog for several years as well as being addicted to Garden Answer on YouTube. What a serendipitous delight to find Laura on your blog AND your spectacular garden on hers! And as much as I’ve loved and admired the photos of your garden, seeing the video of Laura walking through your precious garden really brought it to life. Just wow!
Serendipity for sure! So happy to know you follow us both…and thank you for your kind words about Parterre’s garden. Lots more images and videos to come. xB
I love Laura as well!! I will have to go find that video. I bet it is INCREDIBLE!! Going to find it now!!! Thx
Margot Shaw is coming to speak at our GARDEN CLUB this FALL!
I had the pleasure of meeting India last SPRING as well!What a delight!
One day I will get to this SHOW!!!
Yes, you absolutely must!!