This “staycation” (quarantining as I prefer to call it) over the past five months provided the opportunity to capture in images many details of our Parterre garden that I would otherwise have missed had I been traveling. I’m reminded that the garden was designed truly for mid-summer pleasure, as spring in New England is an oxymoron (cold, rainy and windy). So here we are, July 23rd!
There are more images here than for a typical post (and less text, which may be a blessing). But narrowing the selections was a bit of “Sophie’s Choice.” Twenty-one years and counting…and so grateful for the little garden and how well it grew. Enjoy!

Thank you for joining me…and hope that you are enjoying the beauty and joys of summer, out in the fresh air. Stay safe and well…

Dear Bettie
So glad I found your lovely blog ( via the glam pad ) looking forward to seeing your post in my in box .
Thank you hazel (Manchester UK) x
Hello Hazel, and welcome to my Private Newport family! I have quite a few readers from the UK, and so glad you discovered us through my darling friend’s blog, The Glampad.
Happy Summer, xBettie
Lovely photo’s. I see glimpses of your garden 3 days a week as I am the gardener at 15 marine ave and I love your home. I believe you may have known my late grandmother, Jean Seaman, she too was an avid gardener at her home, Boothden on Indian Ave.
I also have a copy of your book Private Newport, Seafair was a favorite of mine and I had the privilege of being gardener there for 6 years as well as Oakwood on Narragansett Ave which is another favorite.
Hello Sarah, what a lovely surprise…and yes, I remember your darling grandmother with great fondness.
We’ll actually be having a Newport Garden Club meeting here next week.
After that, I’d love to invite you up to see Parterre in person. Back to you soon…and thanks for introducing yourself!
Happy Summer, Bettie Pardee
Glorious! Ellen Easton
Merci! I had an opportunity to pull out your tea book in prep for a little party this weekend. Thank you again, Bettie
Absolutely stunning 🌸
I can smell the roses!
And Julie, I think you shall be soon! Looking forward to meeting you. Cheers, Bettie
I would be out in that garden daily at dawn’s light with a fresh cup of perked coffee and a good book. It is absolutely beautiful, inspirational and empowering and such a positive way to approach life during these challenging times. Be well and stay safe. Cheers!
Hello Evie, you’ve pretty much described my daily activities, though I wish I had the opportunity more often…Yes, where would be without our gardens and nature?!
Such a Godsend, xB
I love this garden, having followed it for several years in your posts. Although I have never visited it in person, I feel like I could draw out the plan. Thanks for your inspiration.
Oh June, I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been part of my Private Newport family for years!
I’ll think of you every time I do a garden post…which has been quite often this year…xB
Just one word–STUNNING!
One of my favorite adjectives, thank you! xB
Absolutely beautiful. You have brightened my day. Thank you for sharing.
What a lovely thought…thank you, Kathy! Be safe and stay well, xB
Absolute perfection! What is the name of the beautiful peach rose?
Thank you, Judith, that David Austin beauty is ‘Crown Princess Margaretha.’ Happy summer, xBettie
Bettie, it really does my old heart good (as we say in the south) to see these images of your gorgeous garden. You are so creative at revealing Nature’s beauty! Your work and time and vision are as Evie said, inspirational!
Hi Tracy, I love your southern saying and your kind words! Thank you, the garden has been more than a blessing this year and it has been cathartic to share its beauty.
Hope all is well with you! xB
So lovely, feels like I am reviewing my pictures after a quick trip to Europe. You are the reason my balcony has never looked better!
Thank you, Nancy, that’s exactly as I felt when I was putting this post together.
And so happy for you that your balcony is looking better…onward and upward! xB
Ms. Bettie,
I am not sure I can sum up in the right words at the moment to really express how much I appreciate the endless beauty that you share with us .
Right now with my husband’s bad health , your shared talents allow me to get lost in the gardens you have gloriously created . Yet , in happier times it brings other
emotions of excitement and moves us to
share with others !
I guess this is my long winded way of saying thank you so much for creating a space that in every emotion of life , you are there for us !!
Ever so grateful ,
Dear reign, this is the loveliest and most poignant comment I have ever received. It makes all the late nights (with my husband wondering why I’m not at the dinner table) tweaking my blogs worthwhile.
Bringing beauty to my virtual friends all over our wonderful country has been a bright spot in this Covid challenge. To know that what I do matters is so heartwarming and more than encourages me to to keep up this weekly tradition. May your husband be enjoying better health soon! Be well and stay safe. xBettie