Sometimes we take a personal, sentimental tradition for granted, until a friend offers up, “you should do a blog on those!” The “those” is an annual calendar that I create for my gardener of 15 years, Kathleen Cotta. Obviously, the effort and talent that it takes to keep our gardens looking their best creates a strong bond between the two of us. I think of the calendars as a “stocking stuffer” that celebrates her garden feats over the past year. Often they are chosen for reasons (ie. sentimental) rather than the same considerations I make for the weekly blogs, or Instagram posts.
Actually, it’s such a handy and happy way to look back when we always seem so busy that everything gets quickly pushed aside as we determinedly march into the next to do or project. So this is a little window into the world of a homeowner and the person who makes her treasured garden possible, my favorite spring/summer images chosen from different calendars. And I’m one who usually poo-poos calendars, but this tongue-in-cheek “stocking stuffer” gift turned out to be a treasured tradition. This blog helps remind me…as I wait patiently, ever so patiently for spring to appear in Newport…of what I have to look forward to (we’ve also been awaiting the return of the owls that were birthed during Covid). Enjoy!

And finally, a sentimental reason for creating this calendar each year…scenes that have changed or are no longer part of the landscape, like the 16′ copper beech hedge on the back lawn.

Bettie –
Bruce and I spend the winters in Florida. There’s a wonderful walking trail, bird sanctuary and wetland near us called Wakodahatchee. We were there the other day and there was a plaque with the name Pardee. I took a picture so I could send it to you but I don’t see here how to attach a photo. May I have an email address so I can send it to you?
We used to live atLansmere, down the road from you. We moved to Cloverleigh, which is about a mile and 1/3 away.
– Marilyn Tobey Leish
The magnificent tree with your bench is absolutely breathtaking! I believe I have commented on it before – just stunning!
“Remember when…” Our daughter does a calendar similar…now, being retired, I enjoy the new & past “Remember When’s” more than ever… Your photos are memorable, indeed!! franki
Love the two owls. Definitely smart birds to choose your home as theirs!
Every photo is an inspiration for me to paint. Those adorable owls, the Parterre bench against the weeping beech ( I think), and a myriad others that I love to see that you have shared, make me dream of slipping upstairs to my little studio and hauling out the brushes and acrylics.
The two owls are adorable! they have found a beautiful sanctuary in your garden!
Kathleen Cotta has kept a beautiful garden for us to take a trip down memory lane. And, I have to agree with Tom Gardner….
SO beautiful! You two make a great team! Thank you to both of you for all the lovely inspiration you share with us!
You are truly blessed to have a gardener who has been with you so long to share the joys of creation and inspiration. What a wonderful relationship it must be. I’ve read your blog for many years and I enjoy each one so much. We who check in with you enjoy the peace and joy you create.
Blessings from Charleston!