Behind the Private Gates

Attention to Details, Part 2

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There is great depth to the topic, “Attention to Details,” warranting a part two that focuses more on the garden than Parterre’s architecture. But what a pleasure it has been for me to get “lost in the details,” honing in on images that I’ve looked at innumberable times…and literally missed some jewels. As in the feature image (above)…the wildly eccentric holly hedge at the sun porch, the scoop in the middle repeating the curve of the black bench. Given its location in the shadow of the “showoffs” (as I call the four grand ‘Hally Jolivette’ cherry standards just out of the picture), one seldom has a chance to enjoy viewing this hedge…which expresses my preference for a bit of whimsy in each part of the garden.

A “hot bed” (excuse the pun) of details is the Green and White Garden, where the pair of herbaceous beds are bountiful in their planting scheme. Here, hidden within this scheme are evergren shrubs (box, berberis, yew) pruned in specific shapes, that “ground” the beds (do you recognize the brioche?) And their positioning is supra important as they are the only green to be seen in the winter months.

In that same set of large herbaceous plantings, is one of my favorite horticultural gestures…silver dichondra planted between the old cobblestones, which appear in each of the four quadrants.

Let’s not overlook the white stone container planted with a pop of red to draw your eye to it specifically.

And I can never ignore the Orangerie…the centerpiece of the entire garden, draped with 2 different roses on the east and west sides that are always in some state of coming or going; a moving scene daily.

Taking a moment to enjoy the single bloom of soon-to-be twining clematis tendrils, full with their blossoms. It always brings deep satisfaction to enjoy a planned garden detail that doesn’t disappoint…all the more reason to record these details.

As with the ‘Eden’ roses wrapped around the detail of the arch light over the back courtyard driveway.

Other examples abound of details that can truly only be seen up close and personal…the light silhouetted in the circular design of the verdi gris bronze gates.

On this same sun porch, celebrating the short season of bulbs (specifically tulips) that brighten early spring, for which they are all the more worthy.

Or gathering peonies in a massed arrangement to enjoy this favorite plant in all its glorious details.

Speaking of “planned details” that preceded the garden installation…the pair of antique rams’ head (I’m an Aries) detailed urns designating the entrance to the front courtyard.

It’s about this time of the year that another statement piece adds its details to our three acres…the 65′ hedge of ‘Limelight’ hydrangeas, all blousy and waving in the breeze.

I’ll close with a little vignetter that reminds me of an English garden, centered on a tin watering can…and with a clematis flower peeking out of the corner. I sigh every time I have the opportunity to be reminded of the many English gardens I’ve visited…and the inspiring details with which I’ve returned home…

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About Bettie Bearden Pardee

Author of Private Newport and Living Newport, garden furniture designer (The Parterre Bench), national lecturer, and entertaining expert. An honoree for the second year on "The Salonniere 100 America's Best Party Hosts", she was also the host and creative producer of "The Presidential Palate: Entertaining at the White House".

9 thoughts on “Attention to Details, Part 2

  1. Whenever I visit a garden no matter how big it is the small details that draw my attention. These details is what gives a garden the personal touch. Your garden is beautiful!

  2. While the devil may be in the details, an Aries angel on the Avenue supersedes all with a focus on shape & color.

  3. Pleases…& tickles me…how many of these creations I’ve “”attempted,” on a much smaller scale…must be an “Aries” trait… ❤️ all of the above!! franki



  5. How do you have your climbing roses secured to growing uo the walls of the Orangerie ? Did you use twine to tie them up?

  6. Detail in the garden is just important as detail in architecture. Both are a beauty. I have 4 iron ram’s head urns. It’s a Carolina thing…

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