Behind the Private Gates, Design, In the Garden

Rose-y News from Parterre

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Perhaps I put “the cart before the horse” in posting the rose chain before a story on Parterre’s roses overall, but I was just so excited about their beauty this year…such a dreamy color and full to capacity, individual shrubs with long trailing garlands. Just the vision I harbored when I decided to create this statement approximately fifteen years ago.

So the lead for this post will be another “climber” that also shares the back courtyard with the rose chain…the luscious ‘Eden’ (or ‘Pierre de Ronsard’) that is well on its way to cloaking the iron arch. Of course I have to remember that one winter about five years ago we lost the left side and had to start again from scratch (sometimes all is not rosy in the rose world). Given this reality, I hope you’ll permit me a bit of “sharing” of the images of this feature over it’s best times, from different perspectives…like this side angle from my second floor studio.

The guest suites’ tower as a backdrop.

A close-up of the lushness of this climber in season, which fortunately lasts all summer.

The arch’s neighboring planting schemes which include the ‘Abraham Darby’ roses on the pair of iron tuteurs on the side wall of the separate garage and the voluminous clematis ‘Betty Corning’ that shares part of the arch’s column.

And I couldn’t resist a vision of these divine additions to Parterre on a foggy summer day.

More news! A much-anticipated addition to Parterre is the elegant wooden lattice fence along the western-facing edge of the Cutting Garden.

Custom-designed and masterfully crafted of kiln-dried red cedar by Trellis Structures of East Templeton, Massachusetts, they have been two and a half years in the works. The five panels now complete a nexus in the garden that had been awaiting a resolution after many different options (i.e. copper beech, yew) proved unsatisfactory.

Their scale and strength will support two of the most admirable climbing bloomers I’ve ever seen…’Deelish’ and ‘ Sweet Mademoiselle’.

We had a wonderful time selecting just the right shade of deep green stain (Flood’s “Copper Verde”).

Have a glorious and safe Independence Day celebration…and I’ll see you next Thursday.

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About Bettie Bearden Pardee

Author of Private Newport and Living Newport, garden furniture designer (The Parterre Bench), national lecturer, and entertaining expert. An honoree for the second year on "The Salonniere 100 America's Best Party Hosts", she was also the host and creative producer of "The Presidential Palate: Entertaining at the White House".

17 thoughts on “Rose-y News from Parterre

  1. Hi Love. Where can we purchase this fence? It’s a stunning addition.
    In Gratitude,

    1. Hello Joy, I emailed you the information. There is a link in the Trellis Structures sentence; click on the name itself.
      Happy 4th, xB

  2. How absolutely stunningly beautiful! From your rose chain, to your iron arch and now that awesome fence, all adorned with your magnificent roses. It’s all just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I was just about to write how stunning when I saw the comment above. So I second the review. All looks calm and elegant in your paradise.

    1. Thank you, Ellen, it’s shaping up to be a wonderful summer…which we ALL deserve!! Happy 4th, B

  4. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful roses, the new fence (the most gorgeous fence ever)! Your home and gardens are exceptional!

    1. It’s such a pleasure to share with my Private Newport family!! Have a wonderful Independence Day weekend. xB

  5. Two and a half years to have that wonderful lattice made?? Oy! The design and thickness could not be bettered! Another thing to market in addition to the Parterre Bench, perhaps?

    The arch is stunning. Your taste is exquisite, love what you have done. It must be even more amazing in person 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jody, Covid complicated things a bit but it was still a true “work in progress” for awhile. When we next “chat” I’ll give you some backstory on this.
      Have a glorious 4th!!! Cheers, B

  6. Pierre de Ronsard is my all-time favourite rose for its 18th century Boucher painting loveliness. You must have been heartbroken to lose one, but it is coming along now. They are difficult to cultivate, so you are to be congratulated. Exquisite garden.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia, for your congratulations. I’m even more thrilled now with their bountifulness! Happy 4th, xB

  7. What do you use to keep the japanese beetles off of your roses? They are destroying mine and I have tried everything on the market!

    1. We haven’t discovered the secret either to dealing with those dastardly beetles! But it’s a little early here for their appearance.
      Despite this, I hope you have a happy 4th weekend. xB

  8. Hi Bettie!! What a beautiful display of roses! That “Eden” just takes the cake!
    It is so hardy, and seems to do as well in the East as it does in Santa Barbara!
    That fence is so perfect, and one of our daughters lives in Marblehead, so sending her that company’s name!!
    Love to you, and thank you for the treat of your blog! It is my favorite!

    1. Hi dear Penelope, such fun to know that we’re in touch each week through my posts!!
      I miss you terribly and hope we see each other soon on one of our two coasts. Hugs to you and Adam, xxB

  9. Thank you for sharing your beautiful roses and garden!! You have excellent taste in house architecture and landscaping!! Would love to see more of both…Have a Great 4th

  10. Wondrous!! I’ve just planted Abraham Darby and am partial to it this year. Mine have a little (ok a LOT) of catching up to do with yours. I’m going to show it these photos as encouragement.;) Thank you dear Bettie, x Frances

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