Behind the Private Gates, Design, In the Garden, The Parterre Bench

Parterre’s Green and White Garden

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While it is the Fountain Garden that receives the most attention on posts, there is another somewhat hidden garden at Parterre that deserves its own attention, the Green and White Garden. And looking down upon this garden from its knoll is the Parterre Bench (as seen in the feature image above).

Located behind the Orangerie, the architectural centerpiece of the property…

the Green and White Garden is a joyous riot of 2 large herbaceous borders, where chartreuse berberis “kisses” and other clipped evergreens add winter interest and punctuation notes within both generous beds.

But then I decided to chic it up a bit by adding deep colored plants and shrubs, like the black parrot tulip and the darkest inky heuchera.

A pair of variegated euonymus obelisks center each bed, while a froth of acid-green lady’s mantle weaves its beauty amongst the perennial plantings.

Purple pelargoniums (perennial geraniums) serve as underplanting for the 4 cherry tree parterres on the north side of the Orangerie.

Fronting the Orangerie, clematis ‘Piilu’ on metal tuteurs is living up to its reputation as one of the most enthusiastic bloomers of the clematis family. Scrumptious, yes?

Another view of the Orangerie provides a closeup of a gigantic hosta in an unusual shade of deep blue celadon.

And ‘Eden’ rose trailing around the antique windows.

Just for fun, I wanted to include one of my favorite Green and White garden vignettes from the spring, when the white tulips hold court. And, speaking of holding court, the Parterre Bench is becoming a centerpiece in many gardens across the country. Why not learn more about her by clicking here.

Stay cool and be well…

All images taken by, Vibrant Optics.

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About Bettie Bearden Pardee

Author of Private Newport and Living Newport, garden furniture designer (The Parterre Bench), national lecturer, and entertaining expert. An honoree for the second year on "The Salonniere 100 America's Best Party Hosts", she was also the host and creative producer of "The Presidential Palate: Entertaining at the White House".

14 thoughts on “Parterre’s Green and White Garden

  1. With limited activities & socialization, your beautiful gardens & information are an extra special treat! I always look forward to seeing your emails!

    1. Thank you, Linda, it gives me the greatest pleasure in some small way to provide a few peaceful moments amidst the chaos of the world today. xB

  2. My favorite, green and white. You do it so well! Yours disciplined, mine quite wild.


    1. Disciplined or wild,every garden is its own jewel and most importantly, a place of respite and solace.
      We are both so lucky with ours! xB

  3. Everything is so lovely, and it’s sweet how the Lady’s Mantle creates an inviting little canopy. (If it were just a little bigger, I could move in!)

    1. Lady’s Mantle is one of my very favorite plants…and it last so long, too!
      Your description is so perfect…moving in under their little canopy. xB

  4. Can I live in your garden, Bettie? I know I’d never tire of all that beauty….simply gorgeous!

    1. The garden has been a God-send…one can never tire of beauty! xB

    1. Such a lovely saying, which means even more in these challenging times. So glad you can join us! xB

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